Tuesday, August 7, 2007

El Cantante Movie Review

I went into this film with very high expectations especially since Hector Lavoe is my favorite singer in my favorite musical genre (salsa). I'm not going to say that I was disappointed, because the film is a must see for anyone who is a fan of salsa. Before we continue, for those of you who don't know what salsa is, need a refresher, or just enjoy salsa, check out Izzy Sanabria's explanation.

check this video out

Back to El Cantante, First the good- Marc Anthony is fantastic as the enigmatic salsa singer who is widely considered the best of all time. Anthony is funny, and makes you truly believe you're watching Lavoe on screen (except for the English). The soundtrack is incredible, Anthony sings all of Lavoe's hits and although he can't replicate Lavoe's voice (who can?) he brings old classics to a new generation.

I won't harp too much on the negatives. I would've liked to know why Lavoe was driven to drugs and other vices. I also would've liked to see for archival footage of the immense Fania Yankee Stadium and Live in Africa concerts. I also would've liked to see less J-Lo in this film. I understand it is Puchi's story (Lavoe's wife) but she seems to be in every scene of the film. Like my co-host on Boston Latino Evelyn Reyes said "I thought it was called El Cantante, not El Cantante's Wife."

Despite those few ticky tacky shortcomings, I hope the film does for salsa what "The Doors" did for classic rock. I hope it sparks a revival that brings back the heavy trombone, trumpet, and descarga driven salsa that defined the era of the 60's and 70's.

I can appreciate the salsa we have now, and enjoy lots of it, but it definitely doesn't compare to the masterpieces of this era. Reggaeton may dominate the charts now but I think the newer generation needs to keep this music alive and not think of salsa as the watered down, everything sounds the same, salsa we get on the radio nowadays (with a few exceptions).

Here is some old school Hector and Willie. I apologize for the quality.

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Random Thoughts

Just a few random thoughts on this lovely summer morning. Remember to check out our television program online or on BNN at:


Saturday, 11:00-11:30 a.m.

Boston Neighborhood Network TV
Comcast Channel 23 and RCN Channel 83

ONLINE: www.YouTube.com/user/BostonLatinoTV and some archived programs via ChanZ.tv http://www.chanz.tv/bostonlatino.htm

Contact us at: bostonlatino@comcast.net

First off a big time movie recommendation. Mel Gibson may be nuts, but he makes great movies. Check out Apocalypto. It has subtitles throughout (the movie is in Mayan) but it is a great reflection on a fascinating, sometimes brutal, culture.

A little tip for you movie lovers who don't already know. When trying to decide what to rent, check out www.imdb.com and search your movie. It has movie ratings and user comments. The ratings are enough for me. Anything 6.5 and up is pretty good. Just be sure to check how many people rated it. Apocalypto got a 7.9 out of 10. Nothing has a perfect 10. For you curious souls the #1 rated is The Godfather ringing in a 9.1, it is tied with Shawshank Redemption.

Did you guys hear the Geico cavemen are getting their own television show? It premieres Tuesday 9/1 at 8pm. I wonder how long they can drag that joke out? When will the Tootsie Roll owl get his own show?

Speaking of the Tootsie Roll Owl, has there been a bigger scumbag ever? That damn owl always ate that poor kid's lollipop!!! Now I have the Tootsie Roll song in my head...sing along- "The world looks mighty good to me, a tootsie roll is all I see, whatever it is I think I see, becomes a tootsie roll to me." Ok, you can thank me later for sticking that song in your head.

Last one for today, why are some toll collectors rude? Don't they look to the left or the right and see the "Fast Lane" signs and realize they are replaceable???

Have a great weekend everyone. Remember to check out our program and archived programs on the net. Also be sure to read Sus Deportes Magazine, you can pick it up at local stores. Also be sure to read the Sus Deportes page in El Planeta for the latest opinions on the hottest sports topics. In case you didn't know, I write for both. Also be sure to check out Evelyn Reyes' blog at http://eveonmymind.blogspot.com/

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Intro and Latino's in Media

Hello to everyone who watches our television program, Boston Latino. For those of you not familiar with it, please check it out at www.bostonlatino.tv or on youtube or "joo too" as my dad calls it, at

Well, for my first blog I'd like to briefly give my opinion on the question that was asked at the press conference announcing Encuentro Latino's move to Telemundo. The question asked by our fill-in host (thanks Joel) was "Are Latino's well represented in Boston's mainstream media?"

In my opinion, we are grossly underrepresented. You can count on one hand the number of Latinos in the mainstream media. I'll use Sports Radio WEEI (850AM) as an example. They are the top rated sports station in the country. Even though they discuss baseball, football, basketball, and hockey, most of their calls are regarding the Red Sox.

Of the 25 players on the Red Sox, 10 of them are Latino. Out of the numerous hosts, co-hosts, and guests that WEEI has, 0 are Latino.

Now why is that? Are we underqualified? Uri Berenguer has been broadcasting Red Sox games in Spanish for close to 10 years, speaks perfect English, and went to Northeastern University.

Omar Cabrera has been the sports anchor for Univision for close to 5 years, speaks perfect English, and graduated from Boston University with a communications degree.

Heck, I'll even toot my own horn. I've produced and hosted a sports radio show in Spanish, speak perfect English, and graduated magna cum laude with a Broadcast Journalism degree from Emerson College.

But the phone doesn't ring for any of us. Not from WEEI, ESPN, the Herald, Globe, or Channels 4, 5, 7, and Fox. And why is that? If you have an answer I'd like to know.


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